Spiritual Events in San Diego County

February 1-15, 2025 Events

(Ongoing activities are listed under Places)

February 1, 2025 Saturday       For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.

  • HARMONY GROVE SPIRITUALIST ASSOCIATION, Escondido  Healing & Spiritual Arts Fair, first Saturdays  We offer 15-minute readings and healings with a slate of spiritual readers and healers.  harmonygrovespiritual.org/calendar   IS THE BRIDGE FLOODED? Web cam view of the HGSA Bridge  www.harmonygrovespiritual.org/contact-us 
  • OASIS San Diego  Be Happy–Awakening to What Really Matters Class No 732 (In-Person Mira Mesa Library)  Come join us and learn ways to create happiness habits. Explore new ways to expand your happiness and learn to appreciate what you have that increases your happiness. In this workshop we will look at how we can take ownership of our habits, outlook and learn how to cultivate nourishing relationships that add to our happiness. Mark Twain said, “Whoever is happy will make others happy, too.”  san-diego.oasisnet.org + Classes + Search 732
  • FIRST UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO, Hillcrest Campus/San Diego, South Bay Campus/Chula Vista (one church, two campuses)  Front Street Productions Presents Tret Fure!  Tret Fure is an award-winning singer songwriter whose music demonstrates a willingness to confront the most pressing issues of our day with courage, compassion and a deep sense of humanity. Her songs speak to the heart and the soul. This concert is FREE!   www.firstuusandiego.org
  • VISION, San Diego   Concert: Evolution Station   visioncsl.org/events/
  • UNIVERSAL SPIRIT CENTER. San Diego  Spiritual But Not Religious  First Saturday with Angels   universalspiritcenter.org/classes 
  • SEASIDE CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING, Encinitas  Turbocharge Your Sales  Success  Stop Selling and Start Serving for Greater Results and Less Strain   seasidecenter.org/events/
  • MYSTIC SOUL RITUAL SHOP, Oceanside  Imbolc Mini Rituals Embrace the spirit of Imbolc, the festival marking the first signs of spring, with our Mini Ritual Offerings! Imbolc is a time of awakening, where nature stirs from its winter slumber. It signifies the return of light and the promise of new beginnings. In the spirit of this season, join us in crafting personalized rituals using natural elements. Create bespoke offerings and write petitions, expressing your hopes and desires for the coming season.  Bath Tea Workshop  Immerse yourself in a hands-on, magical fun-shop where your intuition takes the lead! Tap into the energetic vibrations of herbs, salts, oils, and crystals to create a personalized bath soak that’s not only a self-care treat but a powerful ritual tool for healing, attraction, and intention-setting.  www.mysticsoulritualshop.com + Classes & Workshops + Calendar of Events
  • THE UNITY CENTER, San Diego   Stallion Oaks Ranch Work Party  We would greatly appreciate your help at Stallion Oaks Ranch with painting and sanding the yurt doors. To ensure the project runs smoothly, we’re seeking at least five additional volunteers. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact John Purcell via email. Thank you!   www.theunitycenter.net + What’s Happening

February 2, 2025 Sunday       For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.

  • FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF San Diego  Past, Present, and Future Circles  Welcome to the annual Message Circle where Rev. Lopez will look at the past year of your spiritual growth, what spirit is nudging you to pay attention to now for your soul’s unfoldment, and what opportunities for your growth will be presented in the coming year. Three messages each person. Limited to ten participants.  www.firstspiritualistsd.com/events
  • UNITY San Diego   Sunday Service: Rev. Blair Tabor “Shadows and Light”  www.unitysandiego.org  619-280-2501
  • VISION, San Diego   Prayer Shawl Group   visioncsl.org/events/
  • KADAMPA MEDITATION CENTER, Point Loma/Sports Arena area, San Diego  Keeping Good Relationships Even Though We Disagree  When we disagree with loved ones, whether it’s about politics, parenting, money, or work, good listening helps us to understand one another. In this series, we’ll learn methods for maintaining harmonious relationships even though we may disagree passionately with others. We’ll learn how to disagree without tearing each other down by purposefully developing a mind of respect, restraint, love, and compassion. We may be surprised how our relationships can transform when we genuinely accept others, put ourselves in their shoes, find common ground, and learn to release the tight grasp we have on our own views and opinions. Buddha’s teachings on equalizing and exchanging self with others are especially applicable if we are truly interested in keeping good relationships.  www.meditateinsandiego.org + Events + Gen Sangden
  • san diego surf - Spiritual Events San DiegoSAN DIEGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, San Diego  Nature Hike: Sunset Cliffs Natural Park (Rocky Cliffs Trail)  Beautiful ocean views, sea birds, and cliffs? Yes please. Dramatic ocean views and impressive cliffs overlooking pocket beaches are the hallmark of this park. The sandstone cliffs erode naturally with wave action. This is also a great spot to watch sea birds, such as pelicans, western gulls, and cormorants, glide above the ocean’s surface. The stairs at the corner of Ladera Street and Sunset Cliffs Boulevard offer a breathtaking journey down the cliffs to the north end of Garbage Beach which can be explored at low tide; easy 2-mile hike.    www.sdnhm.org/calendar/ + nature hikes

February 3, 2025 Monday       For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.

  • VISION, San Diego  Intuition Group, Mondays (In-Person and Online)  This group meets weekly to learn how to strengthen our connection to our intuition and to develop psychic abilities through study and one-to-one practice.  Book Study: Living the Artist Way, Mondays until February 17   visioncsl.org/events/
  • FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas   Dynamic Yoga   fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
  • SPIRITUAL ARTS INSTITUTE, Encinitas  Higher Self Meditation with Divine Light, every Monday and Thursday (In-Person and Online) FREE   By meditating with Divine Light to improve and strengthen your aura, you can make changes in your life faster, more effectively and with greater chances of sustained success. There are many spiritual energies to work with, and each offers inspiration and enrichment in any aspect of life from relationship, career, prosperity and healing, as well as to develop your soul’s potential and draw closer to the Divine source.  spiritualarts.org/events

February 4, 2025 Tuesday       For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.

  • OASIS San Diego  How Do I Create Positive Results?  Class No. 1336 (In-Person La Mesa)  Creating positive results is about breaking old patterns and opening up to change that will empower you to grow in a positive manner. This class is about exploring your thoughts, and how to examine your mindset in order to create positive results.  What Is AI? The Good, The Bad, The Awesome, and The Ugly Class No 1514 (In-Person La Mesa)  AI is now used for many different applications, everything from banking to the health industry. We’ll overview the fundamentals of AI and some of the advantages, pitfalls and ethical considerations of AI.   AI for All: Get Stuff Done with ChatGPT Class No.2429 (In-Person Rancho Bernardo)  Learn how to harness the power of AI to make your tasks easier and more enjoyable. Discover how to ask ChatGPT questions to get useful, clear answers.   san-diego.oasisnet.org + Classes + Search 1336, 1514, 2429
  • FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas   Dynamic Yoga   fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events

February 5, 2025 Wednesday       For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.

February 6, 2025 Thursday       For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.

  • SEASIDE CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING, Encinitas The Power of Eight  Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of Small Intention Setting Groups   seasidecenter.org/events/
  • FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas   Angel Sound Bath   fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
  • OASIS San Diego  Meditation for Stress-Relief, Relaxation, and Peace Class No 1176 (Zoom)  Learn to focus within, relax, calm your mind and let go of bothersome emotions. Alternative healing methods, mindfulness and guided meditations will also be presented to improve health, and renew vigor and vitality. Join Melynnique Seabrook, who has offered Oasis classes that are practical, inspiring and easy to understand for the past 25 years.   Indian Spirituality: How Is It Relevant in Our Life? Session One Class No 1479 (In-Person La Mesa)    What is the purpose of life? What is spirituality? We will introduce the main facets of Indian spiritual tradition and focus on how it is relevant in our lives today. Through selected texts, we will come to see how an understanding of karma, reincarnation, mantra, and the practice of meditation give a deeper meaning to life. This session will focus on Indian Philosophy as a philosophy of life and Karma.   san-diego.oasisnet.org + Classes + Search 1176, 1479
  • SPIRITUAL ARTS INSTITUTE, Encinitas   Higher Self Meditations, every Thursday and Monday (In-Person and Online) FREE  By meditating with Divine Light to improve and strengthen your aura, you can make changes in your life faster, more effectively and with greater chances of sustained success. There are many spiritual energies to work with, and each offers inspiration and enrichment in any aspect of life from relationship, career, prosperity and healing, as well as to develop your soul’s potential and draw closer to the Divine source. Join us every week for a twenty-minute live, guided meditation. Based on the meditation practice taught in the international, bestselling book Change Your Aura, Change Your Life and a 4,000 year tradition developed by mystic clairvoyant and teacher, and co-founder of Spiritual Arts Institute Barbara Y. Martin.   spiritualarts.org/events 
  • VISION, San Diego   Class: The Mystical Path; Class: Foundations; Concert: John Katchur  Postponed. Rescheduled for February 27.       visioncsl.org/events/

February 7, 2025 Friday       For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.

  • PALOMAR UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIPVista   Sound Healing, 1st Fridays  Three masterful sound healers working in harmony to bring you a blissful sound meditation journey using vibrations from Tibetan singing bowls, binaural rhythms of quartz crystal bowls, the soothing flow of Native American flutes, the rumble of gongs, didgeridoos and other unique instruments. Take your personal inner journey of healing relaxation and elevated consciousness with this amazing experience. palomaruu.org/sound-healing/
  • OASIS San Diego  Morning Meditation and a Little Bit of Yoga, Fridays until February 28 Class No.2084 (In-Person Rancho Bernardo)  Morning Meditation with some gentle Yoga stretches to relax the mind and body. This class is a wonderful way to end your week and begin your weekend early feeling refreshed and renewed. san-diego.oasisnet.org + Classes + Search 2084
  • KINDRED JOURNEYS, Oceanside   Medium Circle  Join Erika for an evening with Spirit as she uses the Tarot to communicate with loved ones on the other side! Erika will set the intention to connect with our beloveds and receive their guidance, support and wisdom from across the veil.   kindredjourneysstore.com/classes
  • HARMONY GROVE SPIRITUALIST ASSOCIATION, Escondido  Twilight Healing Service  harmonygrovespiritual.org/calendar   IS THE BRIDGE FLOODED? Web cam view of the HGSA Bridge www.harmonygrovespiritual.org/contact-us 
  • FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas   Breathe Into Balance; Qi Gong for Health and Balance  fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
  • SEASIDE CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING, Encinitas  Friday Night Live with Michael Mayo: The Healing Power of Energy Medicine  Join Medium and Healer Michal Mayo for a live demonstration of energy medicine! Known for achieving immediate results in pain reduction, mobility, and function, Michael will work with several audience volunteers on various physical ailments. The session will conclude with a group healing offering potential benefits for everyone seasidecenter.org/events/

February 8, 2025 Saturday     

For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.

  • VISION, San Diego   Concert: An Evening of Latin Jazz   visioncsl.org/events/
  • OASIS San Diego  Be Happy–Awakening to What Really Matters Class No 739 (In-Person Logan Heights Library)  FREE  Come join us and learn ways to create happiness habits. Explore new ways to expand your happiness and learn to appreciate what you have that increases your happiness. In this workshop we will look at how we can take ownership of our habits, outlook and learn how to cultivate nourishing relationships that add to our happiness. Mark Twain said, “Whoever is happy will make others happy, too.”  san-diego.oasisnet.org + Classes + Search 739
  • SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP ONLINE MEDITATION CENTER   One Day Meditation Retreat in English  olinemeditation.yogananda.org/calendar/
  • mountains - Spiritual Events San DiegoSAN DIEGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, San Diego  Nature Hike: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Box Canyon) | New!  Marvel at the spirit of early pioneers that traveled this classic desert canyon on their way to San Diego. Follow the trail blazed by the Mormon Battalion in 1847 through diverse desert microenvironments. We’ll walk up Box Canyon along the Mormon Trail past a steep dry waterfall (Box Canyon), using the same trail that was carved using little more than hand tools and sheer determination; intermediate 5-mile hike.  www.sdnhm.org/calendar/ + nature hikes

February 9, 2025 Sunday       For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.

  • PALOMAR UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIPVista  Sunday Service: All Because of a Love Note  Join our inspiring guest speaker, Natalie Reilly, as she shares about the healing power of love notes and how it changed her life. Plan to stay after the service to write love notes together.    palomaruu.org 
  • UNITY San Diego  Practice of Thriving: Opening to Divine Abundance EverywhereWednesdays (Zoom) or Sundays (In-Person February 9, 16, March 2, 9)  For more information email: revkarlalightner@gmail.com; Vow Renewal  All couples are invited to attend and reaffirm their love and commitment to each other in this heartfelt, meaningful ceremony led by Rev. Gretchen during our Sunday Service.  unitysandiego.org/classes-and-events
  • UNITY CHURCH OF El Cajon   Mini Fundraiser: Old Time Gospel Music   Comedy – Food – Sing Along – Friends – Good Times   unityofelcajon.org
  • THE UNITY CENTER, San Diego  New Art Exhibit — Echoes of Courage: Art Inspired by the Black Experience  Meet the Artists: Join us for a special artists’ talk this Sunday at 11:30 AM in the sanctuary! Hear the artists share insights into their creative process and the personal journeys that have shaped their art.  www.theunitycenter.net + What’s Happening
  • SEASIDE CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING, Encinitas   Vow of Love: Renewal Ceremony   Renew your vows with your beloved.    seasidecenter.org/events/
  • Vista BUDDHIST TEMPLE   Meditation Service, Wednesdays  (Online)    vbtemple.org/events-calendar  
  • VISION, San Diego  18th Anniversary Sunday Celebration; Men’s Circle   visioncsl.org/events/
  • SEASIDE CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING, Encinitas   Super Bowl LVIII Watch Party   seasidecenter.org/events/  
  • FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas   Restorative Wellness Experience   fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
  • FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF San Diego   Pregame Super Bowl Party   www.firstspiritualistsd.com/events
  • SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP San Diego TEMPLE   Lesson Study: Why You Haven’t Changed As You Wished            ,www.sandiegotemple.org  sandiegotemple.org/calendar/
  • SAN DIEGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, San Diego  Nature Hike: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Pictograph Trail & Ghost Mountain)  Come learn about the history of the Anza-Borrego desert. Visit a Kumeyaay cultural area and discover ancient pictographs and see where foods were processed leaving deep morteros in the granitic rock. Then visit the home of Marshal and Tanya South, homesteaders in the 1930s and ‘40s. Enjoy panoramic views from the top of this short, but steep hike. Hiking poles are recommended; intermediate 4-mile hike.  www.sdnhm.org/calendar/ + nature hikes

February 10, 2025 Monday       For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.

  • yoga - Spiritual Events San DiegoOASIS San Diego  Boost Your Immune System Naturally Class No.726 (In-Person Paradise Hills Branch Library)  In this class, you will learn strategies on how to protect yourself this season and how to adopt simple ways to boost your immune system naturally with powerful foods and healthy habits.  san-diego.oasisnet.org + Classes + Search 726
  • KINDRED JOURNEYS, Oceanside  Just’s Clearing Spaces   Join Just as he guides you, step by step, through the process of clearing yourself and the various spaces you may dwell. Learn to do this work to raise your vibration and remove any unwanted energy. Use the upcoming full moon to practice your first clearings!   kindredjourneysstore.com/classes
  • FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas   Dynamic Yoga   fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events

February 11, 2025 Tuesday       For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.

February 12, 2025 Wednesday       For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.

  • mandala - Spiritual Events San DiegoOASIS San Diego  The Bhagavad Gita  Class No. 1314 (In-Person La Mesa)  Join us as we explore India’s most beloved sacred text, the Bhagavad Gita. Composed around the time of Christ, the Gita is the plain-talking culmination of the rich philosophical traditions begun in the earlier Vedas, Upanishad, and Buddhist texts. Like all literature, it is best approached in layers. What does the Bhagavad Gita teach about God, duty, ethics, war, society, consciousness, human nature, violence, and the beauty of being alive? A favorite book of Gandhi who carried chapter two in his pocket his whole life, and of Thoreau who brought only one book to Walden Pond, his copy of the Gita borrowed from his friend Ralph Waldo Emerson. Very few books have had this long a reach or this profound an impact. Let’s find out why.   san-diego.oasisnet.org + Classes + Search 1314
  • FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas   Snow Moon Harmony: A Full Moon Sound Bath   fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
  • full moon - Spiritual Events San DiegoMYSTIC SOUL RITUAL SHOP, Oceanside   Full Moon Mini Ritual  Harness the powerful energy of the Full Moon with our transformative mini ritual, available all day during every Full Moon! Pre-purchase your ritual and drop by at your convenience to release, renew, and recharge your spirit. Your Full Moon Mini Ritual Includes: Candle Offering: Light a candle on our sacred altar to honor your intentions. Release Ceremony: Burn what no longer serves you in our smudge bowl, letting go of the past. Herbal Smoke Cleanse: Purify your energy and create space for new blessings. Oracle Card Pull: Receive divine guidance and insight for the lunar cycle ahead. No Appointment Needed!  www.mysticsoulritualshop.com + Classes & Workshops + Calendar of Events
  • KINDRED JOURNEYS, Oceanside  Full “Snow” Moon Ceremony  The Full Moon is mystical and enchanting, representing goddess energy. Join Erika for a sacred ceremony of celebration and gratitude-to let go of what no longer serves you and align with your highest truth.   kindredjourneysstore.com/classes
  • VISION, San Diego   Diversity Team, 2nd Wednesdays (Zoom)  The purpose of this group is to educate, expand people’s consciousness, honor inclusivity, and our uniqueness as humans locally and internationally. Our team focuses on diverse cultures, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, social class, age, spirituality/religion, mental disabilities, and physical disabilities. Our goal is to create events, classes, and activities that will produce a more diverse community, therefore expanding our collective consciousness and spirituality.  visioncsl.org/events/

February 13, 2025 Thursday       For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.

February 14, 2025 Friday     

 For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.

  • VISION, San Diego   Concert: A Night of Nostalgia and Love Songs with Karole Forman   visioncsl.org/events/
  • OASIS San Diego  The Nature of Love Class No.2223 (In-Person Rancho Bernardo)  For millennia, philosophers have wondered about love. It is obviously a central, formative, and essential human experience. But what is it exactly? What are the different kinds of love? What kinds of errors occur when we mistakenly conflate or mistake one kind of love with another? Do we misuse the word “love?” What are the distinctions between compassion, altruism, aesthetic appreciation, erotic attraction, family or tribal bonding, personal need, pathological obsession, kindness, etc.? Working with classical sources and contemporary examples, we will examine the experience of love from a number of perspectives and bring clarity to the complex and multi-faceted phenomenon of love.  san-diego.oasisnet.org + Classes + Search 2223
  • HARMONY GROVE SPIRITUALIST ASSOCIATION, Escondido  Spirit Talk  There will be a potpourri of subjects that everyone can take part in.   harmonygrovespiritual.org/calendar   IS THE BRIDGE FLOODED? Web cam view of the HGSA Bridge www.harmonygrovespiritual.org/contact-us 
  • MYSTIC SOUL RITUAL SHOP, Oceanside  Love Boost Ritual  Open your heart to the enchanting energy of love with our Love Spell Ritual. Whether you are working on self love, indulgence, healing, pleasure, beauty, or sensuality, this ritual can give you an extra oomph. When you secure your ticket, you’re not only reserving your spot in this powerful ritual but also inviting the magic of love into your life.  www.mysticsoulritualshop.com + Classes & Workshops + Calendar of Events
  • FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas   Qi Gong for Health and Vitality   fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events

February 15, 2025 Saturday       

For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.

  • KADAMPA MEDITATION CENTER, Point Loma/Sports Arena area, San Diego  Blessing Empowerment  During this very special event, our resident teacher Gen Kelsang Lhadron will grant the blessing empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni. By receiving this empowerment we make a deep personal connection with Buddha that leads us to spiritual protection from all suffering and problems, known as Buddhist refuge. Everyone is welcome!  www.meditateinsandiego.org + Events + Empowerment
  • violin - Spiritual Events San DiegoVISION, San Diego   Concert: Moriah Angeline (still a) Hopeful Romantic   visioncsl.org/events/
  • SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP ONLINE MEDITATION CENTER   Three Hour Meditation with Kirtan in English  olinemeditation.yogananda.org/calendar/
  • SEASIDE CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING, Encinitas  Revealing the Medium Within with Michael Mayo   seasidecenter.org/events/
  • KINDRED JOURNEYS, Oceanside Medicine Drum Making Workshop  This workshop will be an intentional, intimate gathering. Together we will call on our ancestors and guides to co-create our medicine drums as a community. We will start with smudging, followed by intention setting and reflecting on the medicine we want to bring into our drums. You will be supplied with all the materials necessary to create your custom drum and drum stick. You will need to pre-pay for your choice of drum rawhide and frame by February 14th in order to give us time to soak the rawhides for the gathering.   kindredjourneysstore.com/classes
  • UNIVERSAL SPIRIT CENTER. San Diego  Spiritual But Not Religious  Third Saturday with Angels   universalspiritcenter.org/classes
  • SAN DIEGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, San Diego  Nature Hike: Lake Hodges (Piedras Pintadas Trail)  Wander through interpretive plaques around Bernardo Bay to look for migratory wildlife. The aptly named Piedras Pintadas (“painted rocks”) trail explores a small part of the rich culture and lands of the Kumeyaay people by following a well-marked trail with interpretive plaques. The trail wraps around Bernardo Bay on Lake Hodges, which is an important habitat refuge for many native and migratory animal species, especially bird; easy 5-mile hike.  www.sdnhm.org/calendar/ + nature hikes