Spiritual Events in San Diego County
March 16-31, 2025 Events and Beyond
(Ongoing activities are listed under Places)
March 16, 2025 Sunday For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.
FIRST UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO, Hillcrest Campus/San Diego, South Bay Campus/Chula Vista (one church, two campuses) Spiritual Agnostics; Film Study and Discussion Group; Open Heart Sangha www.firstuusandiego.org/calendar.html
- FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas Restorative Wellness Experience fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
- FRATERNAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH, San Diego History of Spiritualism fraternalspiritualistchurch.org/church-events/
- Vista BUDDHIST TEMPLE Dharma Service, Sundays (In-Person and Zoom) vbtemple.org/events-calendar
SAN DIEGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, San Diego Nature Hike: Mission Trails Regional Park (Kumeyaay Lake) Get your nature in with a short, easy hike accompanied by riparian and chaparral plants. This short, easy hike along a cottonwood and willow shaded lakeshore is perfect for young children, seniors, and avid birdwatchers. The lush vegetation has created a first-class botanical and wildlife habitat with both riparian and chaparral plants; easy 2-mile hike. www.sdnhm.org/calendar/
March 17, 2025 Monday St. Patrick’s Day
For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.
PALOMAR UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP, Vista Soul Matters palomaruu.org/calendar.breeze/
- OASIS San Diego Tales From the Emerald Isle Class No. 1471 (In-Person La Mesa) Surely nothing could be more Irish than its stories. From ancient times, bards have told tales of shape-shifting seals and swans, magic in trees and rocks, brave warriors and beautiful women, tricks and schemes of leprechauns and fairies, even the infamous “salmon of knowledge.” Join storyteller Marilyn McPhie for a wee bit of Irish magic – and blarney. (And maybe a few Irish treats!) san-diego.oasisnet.org + Classes + Search 1471
- UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF SAN DIEGUITO, Solana Beach Earth Centered Spirituality Group uufsd.org/news/calendar/
- FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas Dynamic Yoga fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
March 18, 2025 Tuesday For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.
OSHER LIFELINE LEARNING INSTITUTE, COLLEGE OF EXTENDED STUDIES, SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY, San Diego Ancient and Sometimes Mysterious Rock Art of the Kumeyaay, Tuesdays, March 18 and 25 ces.sdsu.edu/osher-lifelong-learning-institute-sdsu + Register for Courses
- OASIS San Diego Choose Confidence Class No 1339 (In-Person La Mesa) In this class, we’ll explore the art of building self-confidence, a crucial skill that can truly transform your life. Have you ever wondered how to unlock your inner potential and step into a more empowered version of yourself? If so, this class is designed for you. san-diego.oasisnet.org + Classes + Search 1339
- FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas Midweek Energy Attunement; Community Acupuncture–The Collective Reset fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
March 19, 2025 Wednesday
For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.
- FRATERNAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH, San Diego Sound Healing and Messages: Spring Equinox fraternalspiritualistchurch.org/church-events/
- UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF SAN DIEGUITO, Solana Beach Celtic Music Group uufsd.org/news/calendar/
UNITY San Diego Practice of Thriving: Opening to Divine Abundance Everywhere, Wednesday (In-Person) unitysandiego.org/classes-and-events
- FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas Instinctive Meditation: The Path if Intimacy fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
- CHALICE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CONGREGATION, Escondido Humanist Discussion Group, 3rd Wednesdays chaliceuucongregation.org/calendar/
March 20, 2025 Thursday For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.
SPIRITUAL ARTS INSTITUTE, Encinitas Divine Night Healing Light (In-Person) Experience a Divine Light healing as you are guided through a highly effective technique to receive spiritual energy to heal and transform your life. spiritualarts.org/events
- FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas Angel Sound Bath fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
OM CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING, La Mesa Awakened Heart Collection omcsl.org/copy-of-get-involved
March 21, 2025 Friday For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.
- UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF SAN DIEGUITO, Solana Beach A Day of Mindfulness uufsd.org/news/calendar/
- FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas Breathe Into Balance; Qi Gong for Health and Vitality fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
OM CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING, La Mesa Book Club, Fridays (Zoom) www.omcsl.org/calendar-with-links
March 22, 2025 Saturday
For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.
- FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas Restorative Wellness 2.0; Instinctive Meditation–The Path of Intimacy fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
- MYSTIC SOUL RITUAL SHOP, Oceanside Intuitive Bracelet Workshop www.mysticsoulritualshop.com + Classes & Workshops + Calendar of Events
SAN DIEGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, San Diego Nature Hike: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Tullock Pond & Golden Queen Mine) | New! Come find a hidden mountain pond and abandoned gold mine in this high altitude section of Anza-Borrego. Even though this is part of Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, its higher altitude and location next to Cuyamaca Rancho State Park makes this a wonderful mountain meadow hike. We’ll visit the abandoned Golden Queen Mine, as well as the rock foundations of an old homestead. The highlight will be the picturesque views of seldom visited Tullock Pond before making the return trip back to Fages Monument; intermediate 6-mile hike. www.sdnhm.org/calendar/
March 23, 2025 Sunday For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.
FRATERNAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH, San Diego History of Fraternal Spiritualist Church fraternalspiritualistchurch.org/church-events/
- FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas Restorative Wellness Experience fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
March 24, 2025 Monday For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.
- OASIS San Diego Black Americans on the Road to Sainthood Class No. 2471 (In-Person Rancho Bernardo) Six Black Americans, two men and four women, are in the process of being considered for sainthood in the Catholic Church. Although saints are not typical of the population at large, the pursuit as well as the perception of holiness mirror social values. Saints’ lives shed light upon social issues of their time and place. This presentation will further enhance our knowledge of African Americans throughout different historical periods and circumstances. san-diego.oasisnet.org + Classes + Search 2471
FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas Dynamic Yoga fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
- FIRST UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO, Hillcrest Campus/San Diego, South Bay Campus/Chula Vista (one church, two campuses) Coping With Chronic Conditions www.firstuusandiego.org/calendar.html
- UNITY San Diego Prayer Meditation Join us for morning Prayer Meditation on Facebook Live Monday thru Friday mornings at 9am (PT). unitysandiego.org/classes-and-events
- CHALICE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CONGREGATION, Escondido Readers’ Theater, 4th Mondays chaliceuucongregation.org/calendar/
March 25, 2025 Tuesday For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.
OASIS EVERYWHERE Karma and Reincarnation (Zoom) Many cultures throughout human history have held beliefs in the concepts of reincarnation and karma. In this class we will explore these concepts, including historical, as well as philosophical views in Eastern and Western cultures, and how these beliefs and ideas have changed. One aspect of reincarnation is the reuniting with loved ones over many lifetimes. The overall message is about love–how we experience it together in many ways and in various lifetimes. Some other questions we will look at are: What is a soul mate? If I have lived before, why don’t I remember? How are the challenges and lessons I face today connected to my past? store.oasiseverywhere.org/ + View Classes + karma
- CHALICE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CONGREGATION, Escondido Dine Out Group chaliceuucongregation.org/calendar/
- OASIS San Diego Mind Shift: From Worrier to Warrior Class No. 2358 (In-Person Rancho Bernardo) In this class we explore our beliefs and behaviors in order to gain a deeper understanding of why we do what we do and how we attract situations and circumstances into our lives. As we gain insight we come to understand the sacred laws and how to use them to benefit ourselves and our communities. Evil in the Intelligent Universe Class No. 1346 (In-Person La Mesa) What is evil? Does it even exist? How does it function in a moral and intelligent universe? We will explore and analyze different views of evil, including the notion that evil doesn’t exist. So come and let’s explore the many facets of evil. san-diego.oasisnet.org + Classes + Search 2358, 1346
- FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas Midweek Energy Attunement fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
March 26, 2025 Wednesday For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.
- OASIS San Diego The Great Philosophers: Augustine Class No. 1317 (In-Person La Mesa) Augustine (354-430) lay on his death bed as the Vandals lay siege to his town of Hippo in Roman North Africa. The Roman Empire and its greatest philosopher were dying together, but their legacies would live forever. A late convert to Christianity, Augustine would go on to become its greatest voice in the early church. He is in many ways the architect of a Christian theology that would remain unchallenged for a thousand years. His unparalleled intellect and prodigious output shaped the medieval world like no other. No study of Western philosophy is complete without a study of Augustine’s lasting impact. san-diego.oasisnet.org + Classes + Search 1317
FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas Instinctive Meditation: The Path of Intimacy; Beauty Yin and Sound Healing fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
- fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
- OM CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING, La Mesa Al-Anon for Parents-Real Hope for Recovery, Wednesdays (In-Person) omcsl.org/copy-of-get-involved
March 27, 2025 Thursday For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.
- FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas Angel Sound Bath; Navigate Menopause Together Workshop fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
FIRST UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO, Hillcrest Campus/San Diego, South Bay Campus/Chula Vista (one church, two campuses) Qi Gong (South Bay), Thursdays www.firstuusandiego.org/calendar.html
- SEASIDE CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING, Encinitas A Course in Miracles, Thursdays seasidecenter.org/education-and-workshops/
March 28, 2025 Friday For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.
- OASIS EVERYWHERE The Passion Story in the Gospel of Mark (Zoom) Although they agree in some ways, each of the Passion narratives in the four Gospels has a different emphasis and theology. The Passion story in Mark is the shortest and in some ways the most dramatic of all. It is also the oldest, and therefore closest to the actual events. store.oasiseverywhere.org/ + View Classes + Gospel of Mark
OASIS San Diego How Propaganda Works Class No.2226 (In-Person Rancho Bernardo) Ever since Roman times those with power, and those seeking power, have employed the powerful tactic of propaganda. And it’s still very much with us, only more powerful than ever thanks to our evermore invasive media environment. What is propaganda and how does it work? Defined simply as the intentional dissemination of deceitful claims or images for the purpose of manipulating the public into following the will of the propagandists, it is more important than ever that we all develop immunity to this insidious and pervasive threat to democracy. Our personal and societal freedoms are at stake. san-diego.oasisnet.org + Classes + Search 2226
- FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas Breathe Into Balance; Qi Gong for Health and Vitality fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
- FIRST UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO, Hillcrest Campus/San Diego, South Bay Campus/Chula Vista (one church, two campuses) Memory Matters Gathering (Online) www.firstuusandiego.org/calendar.html
March 29, 2025 Saturday For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.
- FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas Restorative Wellness 2.0; Instinctive Meditation–The Path of Intimacy fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
MYSTIC SOUL RITUAL SHOP, Oceanside Mystic Soul Spiritual Faire; New Moon Mini Rituals www.mysticsoulritualshop.com + Classes & Workshops + Calendar of Events
- SPIRITUAL ARTS INSTITUTE, Encinitas Change Your Aura Workshop (In-Person–Wheaton, IL and Online) Join us online or at The Theosophical Society for this life changing workshop. Includes aura meditations and book signing. spiritualarts.org/events
March 30, 2025 Sunday For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.
- FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas Restorative Wellness Experience fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
SAN DIEGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, San Diego Nature Hike: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Cool Canyon) Are you a geology nerd? This hike is sure to impress. Cool Canyon is a sun-shaded canyon of Granite Mountain, where the steep granitic walls provide shade from the afternoon sun, and at 2400 feet elevation, the canyon stays relatively cool. Julian schist, pegmatite dikes, and mineralized rock make this canyon interesting in addition to the variety of plant life found here; easy 3-mile hike. www.sdnhm.org/calendar/
March 31, 2025 Monday For more info, click on link at end of listing. For correct month press < or >.
OASIS San Diego When Animals Talked: The Important Role of Animals in Kumeyaay Myth, Cosmology, and Daily Life Class No 1437 (In-Person La Mesa) For the Kumeyaay animals and humans share the earth, once was the time when animals talked, and humans listened. We are going to delve into the rich history of the symbiotic relationship between the Kumeyaay and the animal world. We will learn why some animals are messengers, some are dangerous, some are spirit guides, and some shift back and forth between being human and non-human. san-diego.oasisnet.org + Classes + Search 1437
- FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas Dynamic Yoga fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
- UNITY CHURCH OF El Cajon Monday Morning Meet Up, Mondays This is a great way to stay connected with a loving nurturing community, explore the world events that are on our hearts and in our minds, and share in love, light, and support. We look forward to seeing you soon! www.unityofelcajon.org/calendar