Spiritual Places in San Diego County
(Ongoing Activities)
ALEXANDRA INSTITUTE, San Diego metaphysical bookstore and gifts, education, counseling, classes. www.alexandrainstitute.org www.alexandrainstitute.org/classes.html
ALL FAITH CENTER, Poway a place for all God’s creation to interact in peace, love, and respect; different strands blended into one family; we sacredly honor all faith traditions knowing all paths lead to God; we celebrate humanity’s Oneness with God and each other; we are here to Awaken Consciousness, and sow the seeds of peace, love, kindness and cooperation throughout the world. allfaithcenter.org allfaithcenter.org/category/events/afc/ allfaithcenter.org/category/events/interfaith-events/
Alpine CHURCH OF SPIRITUAL LIVING, wherever you are on your spiritual path, you are always welcome here! www.alpinechurchofspiritualliving.org
AMETHYST MOON MYSTICAL AND SPIRITUAL GIFTS, La Mesa from crystals and incense to tarot readings. shopamethystmoon.com
ASSOCIATION FOR GLOBAL NEW THOUGHT, engaged spirituality: tools to empower the conscious majority. www.agnt.org
B’INSPIRED, San Diego courses for your soul; retreats. www.binspired.life
THE BLISSFUL GOAT, San Marcos Goat Yoga classes. www.theblissfulgoat.life
BLUE SKY RANCH COMMUNITY, Lakeside individuals dedicated to making a difference in their own lives and in the future of the world. www.blueskyranch.org
CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING Bonita a loving, nurturing community open to all. www.cslbonita.org
CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING Carlsbad provides spiritual tools, support and practices to transform lives and make the world a better place. www.cslcarlsbad.org
CHALICE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CONGREGATION, Escondido ongoing activities: Readers’ Theater (4th Mondays), Zoom Lunch and Discussion (Tuesdays), Cracker Barrel–Men’s Breakfast Group (Wednesdays), Men’s Support Group (2nd Wednesdays), Women’s Meditation and Buddhist Study Group (Thursdays), Elders Lunch (2nd Fridays), Ladies Out to Lunch (3rd Fridays) chaliceuucongregation.org chaliceuucongregation.org/calendar/
CHOPRA CENTER FOR WELLBEING, Carlsbad a beautiful, nurturing place for healing physical pain, finding emotional freedom, empowerment, and connecting to inner spiritual living. chopra.com
ELIVIA, San Marcos, singing crystal bowls, spiritual services, healing products, classes, workshops. elivia.com elivia.com/events/
EMBODIED CONSCIOUSNESS San Diego healing the body and mind through energy healing techniques, as well as the body’s own intelligence; classes, workshops, individual consultations; download FREE guided meditations www.embodiedconsciousness.vision
ENGLUND, KAYMA, Carlsbad Intuitive Business Coach . Spiritual Mentor . Psychic Advisor www.kaymaenglund.com
Escondido SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP, for those who want to meditate in a quiet, harmonious environment. ongoing activities: Meditation, Energization Exercises; Group Meditations Through the Self-Realization Fellowship Online Meditation Group. https://srfonlinemeditation.org. escondidosrf.org escondidosrf.org/calendar/
FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF San Diego where angels come and so can you. ongoing activities: Healing Service–one-on-one healing, meditating, crystal bowls (Sundays); Lecture Service–different guest speaker each week–In-Person and Facebook (Sundays) firstspiritualist.org www.firstspiritualistsd.com/events
FIRST UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO, Hillcrest Campus/San Diego, South Bay Campus/Chula Vista (one church, two campuses), our mission is to create community, to nurture spiritual growth, and to act on our values to heal the world. ongoing activities: Hillcrest–Men’s Fellowship (Mondays), Young Adult Groups (Tuesdays), Morning Meditation/Sangha (Wednesdays), Child Loss Support Group (Thursdays), Grief Support Group (2nd and 4th Thursdays), Memory Matters Gathering Online (2nd and 4th Fridays), South Bay–Qi Gong (Thursdays) www.firstuusandiego.org www.firstuusandiego.org/calendar.html
FOUR MOONS SPA, Encinitas a modern space for wellness. fourmoonsspa.com fourmoonsspa.com/pages/upcoming-events
FRATERNAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH, San Diego live profoundly fraternalspiritualistchurch.org/church-events/ fraternalspiritualistchurch.org/church-events/calendar/ fraternalspiritualistchurch.org
HARMONY GROVE SPIRITUALIST ASSOCIATION, Escondido Love is the light . . . Truth is the way. ongoing activities: Healing & Spiritual Arts Fair, first Saturday www.harmonygrovespiritual.org + Spiritual & Healing Fair harmonygrovespiritual.org/calendar IS THE BRIDGE FLOODED? Web cam view of the HGSA Bridge www.harmonygrovespiritual.org/contact-us
HILLTOP CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING, Fallbrook a thriving, welcoming spiritual community. www.cslfallbrook.org www.cslfallbrook.org/calendar
JEWELS BY THE SEA, La Jolla unique jewelry and more. www.jewelsbythesea.biz
KADAMPA MEDITATION CENTER, Point Loma/Sports Arena area, San Diego offering meditation classes for positive personal transformation based on the ancient wisdom of Buddha. ongoing activities: Meditation classes; Foundation Program www.meditateinsandiego.org meditateinsandiego.org/calendar-daily-meditations-and-classes/ Drop-In Meditation Class, Sundays meditateinsandiego.org/sundays-and-tuesdays/ Drop-In Meditation Class, Mondays meditateinsandiego.org/mondays-630-745pm-2/ Drop-In Advanced Meditation Class meditateinsandiego.org/Thursdays/ Simply Meditate meditateinsandiego.org/lunchtime-meditation/ Kids Meditation, Sundays meditateinsandiego.org/meditation-for-kids-and-family/
KINDRED JOURNEYS, Oceanside metaphysical bookstore, psychic sessions, crystal therapy, Reiki. kindredjourneysstore.com/classes kindredjourneysstore.com
LIVE ENLIGHTENED AND FREE (L.E.A.F.), Carlsbad conceived by an artist with a desire to inspire others to create, L.E.A.F. is a mindful living gift store that supports local artisans, handmade items, and fair trade companies. liveenlightenedandfree.com
MOUNTAIN VALLEY RETREAT, Ranchita a little oasis in the backcountry of San Diego County about a mile from the Pacific Coast Trail; a place to relax, renew, and explore. cheryowens.com
MYSTIC SOUL RITUAL SHOP, Oceanside A space for quality handmade spiritual tools and beautiful hand selected crystals from all over the world. We believe in the love and positive energy that gets put into every handmade item. We create unique one of a kind spiritual tools and jewelry with intention, and also provide education on natural healing practices the Earth offers us. www.mysticsoulritualshop.com www.mysticsoulritualshop.com + Classes & Workshops + Calendar of Events
OASIS San Diego an organization for adults 50+ for learning and engagement to create opportunities for meaningful dialogue and deep thinking about current events, as well as providing socialization, active living and intergenerational community initiatives to help low income children to learn; we work to prevent isolation and loneliness in older adults so they can stay healthy, engaged, and involved in the world. san-diego.oasisnet.org + View Classes + Class No.
OASIS EVERYWHERE virtual lifelong learning; founded in 1982, Oasis is a non-profit educational organization that is active in over 250 communities and reaches more than 50,000 individuals each year; our mission is to promote healthy aging through lifelong learning, active lifestyles and volunteer engagement. store.oasiseverywhere.org/ + View Classes + Key Word(s)
OM CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING, La Mesa welcome to your spiritual home. ongoing activities: Forgiveness Class-Zoom (Mondays), Spiritualist Study Group-In-Person (Tuesdays), Al-Anon for Parents-Real Hope for Recovery-In-Person and Zoom (Wednesdays), Untethered Soul Journey (Wednesdays), Exploring the Roots of Science of Mind (Thursdays until October 17), Awakened Heart Collective (3rd Thursdays and 1st Sundays), Divine Spirit Meditation and Sound Healing (Fridays), Book Club (Fridays), Philosophy Saturday-Zoom (Saturdays) www.omcsl.org www.omcsl.org/calendar-with-links omcsl.org/copy-of-get-involved
OM KINETICS SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY CENTER, San Diego provides holistic healthcare, esoteric education, low-impact exercise classes, and a spirit-free herbal elixir bar to San Diego residents to increase individual human performance, promote sustainability, and foster a greater community connected by shared spiritual values and practices. omkinetics.com/
ONE HEART ONE MIND CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING, Poway a spiritual community opening hearts and minds to spiritual magnificence. ongoing activities: Monday Evening Prayer Group www.oneheart-onemind.org www.oneheart-onemind.org/classes-and-workshops
OSHER LIFELINE LEARNING INSTITUTE, COLLEGE OF EXTENDED STUDIES, SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY, San Diego lifelong learning institute offering intellectually stimul ating, university-quality courses for students ages 50 and better; no tests; no grades; just the thrill of learning with like-minded peers; free campus parking included. ces.sdsu.edu/osher-lifelong-learning-institute-sdsu
PALOMAR UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP, Vista building beloved community. ongoing activities: Palomitas de Paz Sangha-Little Doves of Peace-Zoom (Mondays, Wednesdays-Saturdays), Sage-ing Gracefully (2nd Tuesdays), Orchestra (2nd Tuesdays), Men’s Group (3rd Tuesdays), Peace Meditation (Wednesdays), Sound Healing (1st Fridays), Sangha Dharma Walk (Saturdays) palomaruu.org palomaruu.org/calendar.breeze/ palomaruu.org/sound-healing/
SAGE YOGA STUDIOS, Fallbrook sageyogastudios.com www.sageyogastudios.com/workshops-events
San Diego CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING, a way of life and spiritual community. www.sandiegocsl.org
SAN DIEGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, San Diego Nature Hikes www.sdnhm.org/calendar/
SAN DIEGO SPIRITUAL RETREAT CENTER, Santa Ysabel retreats from one day with overnight option to four day overnight retreats. loveistheprize.com/day-with-spirit/
SEASIDE CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING, Encinitas a vibrant spiritual community that works for everyone. ongoing activities: Spiritual Living Circles (last Fridays) www.seasidecenter.org seasidecenter.org/events/ seasidecenter.org/education-and-workshops/ ongoing calendar: Toastmasters (Wednesdays), Women’s AA Meetings (Wednesdays), Daily Meditation (Wednesdays and Thursdays), LGBTQ+ Support Group (1st Wednesdays), Boys to Men Mentoring (2nd and 4th Thursdays), AA Men’s Substance Abuse Support (Saturdays), Men’s Breakfast Club (3rd Saturdays), ACA-Adult Children of Alcoholics-Support Group (Sundays), seasidecenter.org/calendar/
SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP Encinitas TEMPLE, Meditation Garden, Ashram Center, Retreat, Book and Gift Shop. ongoing activities: meditation, energization exercises encinitastemple.org encinitastemple.org/activities/
SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP San Diego TEMPLE, Meditation Garden, Chapel, Bookroom. ongoing activities: Learn to Meditate (1st Thursdays) www.sandiegotemple.org sandiegotemple.org/calendar/
SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP ONLINE MEDITATION CENTER ongoing activities: Meditation classes, every day srfonlinemeditation.org/ onlinemeditation.yogananda.org/calendar/
SoulScape GIFT AND BOOK STORE, Encinitas dedicated to providing books, music and gifts such as candles, body care, crystals and minerals, salt lamps, yoga supplies, incense, meditation pillows, unique jewelry, and clothing. www.soulscapeonline.com
SPIRITUAL ARTS INSTITUTE, Encinitas a community of fellow spiritual travelers; classes and events. ongoing activities: Higher Self Meditation with Divine Light, Mondays spiritualarts.org spiritualarts.org/events spiritualarts.org/ourprograms/change-your-aura/
SPIRITUAL MINISTRY CENTER, San Diego seekers of all faiths are welcome to spend time at this small retreat house, reflecting on their spiritual journey. spiritmin.org
SUGAR SWEET FARM, Encinitas Goat Yoga classes. www.sugarsweetfarm.com www.sugarsweetfarm.com/book-now www.sugarsweetfarm.com/goat-yoga
SUMMIT UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP, Santee people of open minds, loving hearts and helping hands. ongoing activities: Book Club (1st Tuesdays), Men’s Group (2nd Tuesdays), Men’s Group (3rd Wednesdays), Women’s Group (4th Saturdays) summituuf.org summituuf.org/connect-overview/ summituuf.org/events/
SUN PATH ACADEMY, Chula Vista the local meditation center where you can find yourself and create a better tomorrow. www.sunpathacademy.com
UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF SAN DIEGUITO, Solana Beach standing for love, justice, and peace, we gather for worship, love, compassion, and joy. ongoing activities: Bit O’ Fun (1st and 3rd Mondays), Book Club (2nd Mondays), Earth Centered Spirituality Group (3rd Mondays), All Ages Tabletop Game Night (4th Mondays), Climate Action Task Force (1st Wednesdays), Women of the World-WOW (2nd and 4th Wednesdays), Vespers and Conversation (3rd Thursdays), Buddhist Meditation (Fridays), Men’s Group (2nd and 4th Fridays), Sacred Text Discussion Group (3rd Saturdays), All Ages Art Club (1st Sundays), uufsd.org uufsd.org/news/calendar/
THE UNITY CENTER, San Diego transforming lives and healing our world. Spiritual But Not Religious ongoing activities: Youth Village (Sundays), Healing Light Candle Corner (Sundays), Partner Fair Boutique (Sundays) www.theunitycenter.net + What’s Happening
UNITY CHURCH OF Carlsbad a positive path for spiritual living. www.unitychurchofcarlsbad.org unitychurchofcarlsbad.org/events
UNITY CHURCH OF El Cajon a positive path for spiritual living and prayer for healing. ongoing activities: Monday Morning Meet Up, Midweek Prayer and Meditation (Wednesdays) unityofelcajon.org www.unityofelcajon.org/calendar
UNITY San Diego, a spiritual community. Prayer Ministry Phone Line: Call us for prayer Monday-Friday, noon to 5:00 p.m. at 619-282-7609. www.unitysandiego.org/prayer-7 ; ongoing activities: Prayer Meditation (M-F, ) The Art of Extreme Self-Care (2nd Mondays), Everlasting Serenity Spiritual Recovery Ministry (Thursdays), A Course in Miracles (Sundays), Youth Family Ministry (Sundays) unitysandiego.org/classes-and-events unitysandiego.org/ongoing-activities www.unitysandiego.org
UNIVERSAL SPIRIT CENTER. San Diego inclusive and thriving spiritual community creating experiences of Divine Love for individual and global awakening. Spiritual But Not Religious ongoing activities: A Wakening Wednesdays (Wednesdays), First Saturday with Angels, Third Saturday with Angels www.universalspiritcenter.org universalspiritcenter.org/events universalspiritcenter.org/classes
VEDANTA MONASTERY, San Diego a branch of the Vedanta Society of Southern California, holds Sunday lectures, evening classes, meditation and vesper services. sandiegovedanta.org
VISION, San Diego a center for spiritual living. ongoing activities: Coffee Connection (M-F), Diversity Team (2nd Wednesdays) visioncsl.org/events/
Vista BUDDHIST TEMPLE, a temple in the Jodo Shinshu Tradition ongoing activities: Dharma Recovery-Online (Mondays), Meditation Service-Online (Wednesdays), Dharma Service-In-Person and Zoom (Sundays) vbtemple.org vbtemple.org/events-calendar